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3rd International Conference on Management and Recycling of Metallurgical Wastes

11-12 February 2024, IIT(BHU),Varanasi,INDIA

The Department of Metallurgical Engineering at IIT (BHU) is the first department to be established in India, in 1923. Being the pioneer department of its time, the Department has produced numerous alumni who have attained great positions in the field of metallurgy and material science. The research scholars of the department have attained respectable faculty positions in metallurgical engineering departments all across the country. The Department is known for being the Advanced Research Centre for Iron and Steel, Government of India and the Malaviya Chair of Railway Technology, Ministry of Railways. Well-equipped with state of art material characterization techniques, the Department of Metallurgical Engineering is a nexus of high quality researchers, experienced metallurgists and academicians. The glorious reputation of the department is further enhanced, as the department is hosting the third International Conference on Management and Recycling Metallurgical Wastes.


Metals and alloys along with various minerals and products or by products such as waste rock, tailings, slag,dross, fly ash etc. are being recycled through different techniques in different locations of the world. Metallurgical waste generated along with metal production accumulated over years causing serious problem to the environment. Recovery of useful metals from solid and liquid waste streams is one of the biggest challenges of today's world. In this context, the International Conference on Management and Recycling of Metallurgical Wastes (MetWaste-2024) focuses on all kind of metallurgical wastes generated during the extraction of metals from the ores and its fabrication. This international conference shall serve as the platform for academicians, industrialists and practitioners alike for enhancing their knowledge about recycling the wastes. Full length articles are invited on the recycling of the plethora of industrial wastes.