
International Conference
Recent Advances in Analytical Sciences
March 26-28, 2020

Call for Papers

The organizing committee has the pleasure of requesting your participation in the conference and to submit contributed papers dealing with any of the topics mentioned. An extended abstract of the technical paper should be submitted to raas@iitbhu.ac.in. Authors will be notified of acceptance of abstract by 10 February 2020.

Abstract Format

Authors wishing to present a contribution (oral/poster) at the conference are requested to submit an abstract of one A4 page. The abstract should be in English and conform to the following format: Title in Times New Roman 14, bold capital letters, centred; Author(s), Name(s) in Times New Roman 12, centred, presenting author's name underlined; affiliation and address (including e-mail) in Times New Roman 12, centred; Text in Times New Roman 12. Please give a margin of 3 cm on top and bottom and 2.5 cm on the left and right side of each page. Figure captions should be given under the figure and table headings should be given on the table, both in Times New Roman 12. References should be in the format of ACS.


An exhibition of analytical instruments, accessories, scientific books, journals, etc. will be held during the conference. Organizations interested in participating in the exhibition can avail the facility on payment of ₹ 50,000/- by advance booking. A souvenir of the proceedings will be published and the multicolour advertisement tariffs are given below:

Back Cover₹ 20,000.00
Back Inside Cover₹ 15,000.00
Front Inside Cover₹ 15,000.00
Full Page₹ 10,000.00
IIT (BHU) Varanasi