Registration Form

Registration Fees

Faculty/Scientist from academic/ technical institutions other than IIT(BHU) VaranasiRs. 5900
Postdoctoral/Ph.D. students other than IIT(BHU) VaranasiRs. 4720
Faculty/Scientist from IIT(BHU) VaranasiRs. 5000
Postdoctoral/Ph.D. students from IIT(BHU) VaranasiRs. 4000
Participants from industriesRs. 9440
Foreign Participants USD118*

*Excluding bank transaction charges. The above fee includes GST of 18% as per institute norms for the participants other than IIT(BHU) Varanasi. The paid fee will not be refunded under any circumstances. Each accompanied person with registered participants is required to pay a registration fee of Rs. 1500+270(GST18%)=1770. Those who are not presenting a paper but want to participate in the conference are required to pay Rs. 2500+450(GST 18%) =2950. Registration fee must be paid by electronic transfer.

The details of the account are given below. Kindly mention RAAM2024 and participant’s organization in the remark section during the bank transaction. For any queries, please contact to Registration fee includes conference kit, conference tea, snacks, lunches and conference dinner.

Please visit the following link for the registration:

Online Registration Fee Payment