Before submitting a paper, an author must follow the following instructions.
- It is encouraged to use the LaTeX2e style files for preparing the manuscript through the template given at the link.
- Submission must be done electronically through Easychair at the the
- The similarity index for a submitted paper should be below 20%.
- Multiple submission of the same paper should be avoided.
- Papers must be anonymous without the author name(s), affiliation(s), acknowledgements, and obvious references.
- Papers must not be submitted to more than one conference or journal at the same time.
- Papers should be in the scope of the conference.
- Papers should be at most 12 pages in total, including references and appendices.
- Cost per extra page is INR 800 or USD 40, after 12 pages, and maximum page limit is 16.
- No new submissions will be accepted after submission deadline.
- All the accepted papers will appear in printed proceedings.
- One full registration, i.e., a registration with the requisite fees for a faculty,
is compulsory against each accepted paper.
- After acceptance, paper cannot be withdrawn.