< Updates:
6th April: This course is CANCELLED
17th Jan: 2 minutes course promo video added (see left).
31th Dec: Course duration will of two weeks (1-14 June) on CFD.
8th Dec: Modeling both heat & mass transfer will be covered.
5th Dec: Registration will being soon.
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With advent of digital technology, more and more industries are adopting modern Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) processes for product design. They need engineers with skills who can create complex Computer Aided Design (CAD) and develop Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models and analyze the product that are light weight and functionally efficient. However, the outdated academic curriculum doesn't provide sufficient training on today’s increasingly complex and multidisciplinary product design processes. With the advent of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning (read here) etc, these CAD and CFD skills would come handy in generating accurate data where there is no history of experimental data. Further, in the age of high demand of professionals from industries with multiple skills, this course will boost the confidence and skills to meet the real world product design challenges. Additionally, training will be provided on technical writing, English language; high quality figure generation, curve fitting, how to use numerical results for quality publications etc. No such courses/training programs are offered that provides skill based training on both the world of instisive CAD, CFD and Drafting. This training program is much more than education where participants will gain practical global competence to meet today's intense industry demand. Ansys Workbench (SpaceClaim, Meshing and Fluent) will be used along with the theoretical background during the entire project-based training program. Apart from this, special topics such as developing 3D CAD from 2D camera images and then developing CFD models will also be covered. Industries use this technique regularly for reverse engineering and study competetors products. Keeping this in mind, following are objectives of this two-week online course:
  • To bridge the skill gap between theoretical academic teaching and practical industrial needs.
  • To provide training on multidisciplinary skills that spans from theory, CAD and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) using Ansys Workbench: Mechanical and Fluent.
  • To execute projects and train the participants on technical research paper writing.
For Workshop Brochure Click Here.

Important features

  • Entire course through online mode.
  • First of its kind rigorous job oriented training program on CAD, CFD & building writing skills for publication.
  • Access to training materials, videos etc. to all the participants.
  • Simple to advanced modeling techniques of CFD.
  • Additional doubt clearing sessions.
  • Project execution and technical paper writing.
  • Training on commerial sofware Ansys (Spaceclaim, Meshing and Fluent).

Scope of Summer School

  • CAD modeling, mesh generation, handling complex geometry.
  • Internal and external CFD - Laminar and turbulent.
  • Multiphase flows, VOF etc.
  • Heat transfer: PCM melting and solidification, multi-zone conjugate problems etc.
  • Sessions on how to write for publication using CFD results.
  • About 20 participants will be selected to help them to publish at least one journal paper in Scopus/SCI indexed journals.


Prof. P. K. Jain,
Director IIT (BHU) Varanasi.


This 4 week rigorous skill building program has 4 important component:
First week
  • Introduction to CFD and Product Design.
  • Generation of CAD geometry: 2D and 3D geometries from scratch, handling complex geometries, extracting internal and external fluid volumes etc.
  • Mesh generation techniques: 2D and 3D mesh, surface and volume meshing, boudary layer mesh, mesh quality etc.
  • Expected outcome: Gain expertise in generating any type of CAD geometries and building high quality mesh.
  • Introduction of CFD, differential equations, Finite volume method, Various schemes (upwind, implicit etc), Turbulent flow etc.
  • Developing 2D and 3D CFD models, Conjugate heat transfer, multi-phase flow, VOF, Melting and solidification of PCM, Particle modeling etc.
Second Week
  • How to model multi-disciplinary problem involving both CFD and FEM, 2-way Fluid-structure interaction, fluid-structure interaction (FSI) etc.
  • Processing techniques for 2D digital images for generating 3D spatial data that can be used to develop CFD/FEM model for reverse engineering or to be used in GIS applications, cultural heritage documentation etc.
  • Technical paper writing: How to generate quality figures, Making the script, Methods for effective writing etc.
  • Publication: Selected participants will be provided guidance in project execution, writing and publication in reputed SCOPUS or SCI journal even after the course of over.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What are minimum requirements of this workshop?

      (a) Zeal to learn new things, (b) a PC or laptop to install the software.

  • Which software will be used and how I’ll get it?

      Ansys Workbench: Fluent; a download link will be sent after registration.

  • Will certificates be issued?


  • Can I pay via Paytm, Bhim UPI, Credit or debit cards, QR code etc.?

      Yes, visit the registration link.

  • What are included in the registration fee?

      Course materials, live sessions, recorded videos of all live sessions, certificates and 18% GST.

  • Is there any group discount on bulk booking?

      Yes, visit registration link.

  • Can international participants register for the course?


  • Why course fee is so high?

      High? Find out any course/training program of two weeks duration that offers detailed CAD, CFD and training on research paper writing. If you can find such course anywhere in the world, then any course offered by this coordinator (including this course) will be made free for life long.

  • Can I use this program to register as summer internship?

      Yes, send an email to cfdfem.iitbhu@gmail.com.

  • Can I visit IIT (BHU), Varanasi during the course?

      Yes, you can visit with your family. Let us know in advance if guest house accommodation is needed. However, you need to bring your own laptop. We will provide high-speed internet connection.

Who can Attend?

  • Designers.
  • Engineers.
  • B.Tech, M.E/ M.Tech or Ph.D. research students who want to advance their careers in numerical experiments.
  • Mechanical, Chemical, Aerospace, Process or Consulting Engineers or Engineers of any discipline who want to solve multi-physics multidisciplinary problems with Ansys Spaceclaim and Fluent.

Important Dates

  • The course/traning programme is for two weeks: June 1 to 14, 2022.
  • Registration link will be updated soon.
  • Register before April 15th, 2022 for discounted registration fee.
  • Limited seats are available on first-come-first-serve basis.

Registration Fee

This workshop is for two weeks and fully online programme. Registration/payment link will be updated here soon. Seats are limited. Registration on first-come-first-serve basis.
Course Fees (BEFORE April 15th 2022)
        Category-I: Indian UG/PG/Ph.D. students-         Rs. 7,000/- (ten thousand)
        Category-II: International students-         $95
        Category-III: Others-         Rs. 10,000/- or $135
Course Fees (AFTER April 15th 2022)
        Category-I: Indian UG/PG/Ph.D. students-         Rs. 10,000/-
        Category-II: International students-         $135
        Category-III: Others-         Rs. 15,000/- or $200

Contact Us

Dr. Om Prakash Singh
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU)

Mobile: +91-9816661166
Email: cfdfem.iitbhu@gmail.com

Local attractions

Varanasi city is a religious, vibrant and one of India's major tourist attractions. Recently, river cruise facility (Alakhnand cruise) started here to connect many historical and religious places. Just in case some participants decides to visit Varanasi during the course, let us know. Note that the course in fully online. However, participants can enjoy Varanasi city during weekends. High speed internet connection will be provided in IIT guest house during the stay.

Visitor Count: 1529